Spent a fantastic day at the NEC yesterday at Stitches, the trade craft show with my dear friend Helen who owns a lovely little craft shop in Sedgley called Beacon Crafts.
Anyhow, because of this and also spending a very lovely weekend with hubby and the boys and also a baby shower for my friend Jodie, I haven't had much time to play since last week's offerings.
As some of you may know, hubby and I are both scout leaders, I do the little ones, the Beavers, and Gary does Cubs. On a regular basis, the Cubs go off on camp for the weekend and this means that hubby and no 3 son disappear to do scouty things. On one such weekend last year, I had a bit of time on my hands, 2 whole days, where the housework seemed to get forgotten and my 2 big boys did their own thing, so I had to craft and this is what I came up with, a photo frame without a photo!
I hope you like it, and I'm off now to continue with the cat and mouse theme, I'm upcycling a mousetrap !!!!!!
Thanks for stopping by
Lou x